LDRS Boadwalk Mice

LDRS Boadwalk Mice

The more and more cards I create the more and more I realize I love cards that are full of bright colours and partial to cute scenes. I also enjoy changing up the shape of cards. Think it helps look at stamp sets from a different perspective when they are being placed in a different shape frame. This card certainly has those aspects I love about card making. Colour is layered on with stencils and also with a brightly coloured scene.

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Christmas Collage: Stretching Your Christmas Stamps

Christmas Collage: Stretching Your Christmas Stamps

This card has been a long time in the making. You know when you have an idea and you start it, but then you become distracted (squirrel), sooooo the project sits there for long time gathering dust. Well this card I started laying out and stamping last fall at a card retreat. At this point I have no clue what distracted me so that the project ended up partially forgotten, sitting waiting.

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