2-Step Masking: SSS Follow the Rainbows

2-Step Masking: SSS Follow the Rainbows

How exciting is it that Simon Says Stamp has a Design Call out right now for the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge Design Team. Admittedly I haven’t had a chance to enter the Wednesday Challenge for a while, but I always love to see the amazing inspiration the design team has created. When I do have the chance to enter the challenge I always find the theme and designers creations a great way to start the creative thought process. I think it would be a lot of fun and great learning experience to be apart of that proces. Here is the design call link if you are interested in entering and/or finding out more information.

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2 Ways to use Dies to Create Colour Blocks

2 Ways to use Dies to Create Colour Blocks

At first look you wouldn’t be able to see anything in common with these two cards. Other than they were both stamped and copic coloured. They don’t even relate seasonally. But what they do have in common is that I used the Simon Says Stamp Trio Window die to create the colour blocked areas on the card.

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Christmas Collage: Stretching Your Christmas Stamps

Christmas Collage: Stretching Your Christmas Stamps

This card has been a long time in the making. You know when you have an idea and you start it, but then you become distracted (squirrel), sooooo the project sits there for long time gathering dust. Well this card I started laying out and stamping last fall at a card retreat. At this point I have no clue what distracted me so that the project ended up partially forgotten, sitting waiting.

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